User's Guide

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The California CareerZone for Local Pathways system is a career exploration website that allows students and job seekers like you to learn more about the world of work and how you can be successful in it. The system is intuitive and easy to use so that you can jump in and explore careers, colleges, degrees and job opportunities right away.

The system combines several publicly available data sources and presents them in a unified manner. Our main data sources include O*NET for occupational info, IPEDS for college information and the US Census Community Survey for localized cost of living data. These data sets are large and informative but can be difficult to navigate. We present you with this information in an easy to digest format. Where appropriate, we also provide links to sites where you can get more information.

Everything in this system ties together seamlessly. If you are looking at an occupation profile, you can find colleges that prepare you for that occupation. Similarly, if you are considering a college major, you can see colleges that offer it and occupations that it might lead to. We know that exploration does not always follow a linear path. We designed this system so that no path leads you to a dead end. Instead, any path you choose leads to new opportunities and allows you to explore the way you want.